If you are experiencing relationship issues with your partner, you may find it beneficial to attend couples counselling sessions. Couples counselling is specifically designed to help two people within an intimate relationship. I offer a dynamic, results-oriented approach for couples. In a supportive environment, couples are often pleasantly surprised at how much better they can communicate their thoughts and feelings. Two people become a couple because there is something special between them, and I will help you reconnect with what brought you together in the first place.
All relationships are unique, but there are several characteristics that can signify strong, healthy connections. These include:
Trust – Relationships are built on trust, which is essential for good communication and forming strong bonds. Without trust, relationships are unlikely to survive.
Mindfulness – Being mindful of what you do and say means you are more likely to maintain strong relationships. Relationship issues can arise if you let your negative emotions affect others.
Mutual respect – Strong supportive relationships rely heavily on mutual respect, as it fosters understanding of each other’s needs and values.
Good communication – Your relationships will be richer if you make an effort to keep in contact with those around you. Being honest and open with others also allows for you to connect deeply and build long lasting bonds.
Who Benefits from Couples Counseling?
There is always room for improvement in any relationship. For most couples, it isn’t any one event that has lead them to come to see me. Typically, there are a series of things that go awry that eventually lead to a breakdown of the relationship. Usually one or both partners realize that if they don’t do something soon, the relationship will fall apart. If you or your partner thinks you need couples therapy, you probably do. Typical warning signs would include things like constant bickering and unfair fighting, one or both partners wanting to spend their free time away from the other, you don’t appreciate each other or respect each other anymore, lack of sexual intimacy and lying about money. It is always better if the couple comes to therapy sooner than later. There is hope for any couple where both partners are open to change.
What Happens in Sessions?
I will help you to get to the heart of the issues and then work with you to determine what action steps can be taken to resolve them. The rewards for doing this are enormous and long-lasting. Generally speaking, couples therapy is a form of talk therapy. It helps you find more positive ways of interacting and so that you can both find the satisfaction you want and deserve in the relationship.
For most couples, the key to a better relationship is learning to communicate better. Opening the channels of communication and learning new ways to listen to each other will bring your relationship to a new positive level. Using the techniques learned in our sessions, the couple will be able to handle disagreements and be able to ask for what they need without having to worry about arguments and negative consequences. This tends